
Creative Class Communities

Creative ClassCreative Class CommunitiesRise of the Creative Class Revisited InterviewsRise of the Creative Class Revisted News Articles

The Cap Times : Madison360: A decade later, Madison still makes the ‘creative class’ grade

Florida’s 2002 bestseller, “The Rise of the Creative Class,” has sparked many debates about the relative importance of creativity to the economic health of cities. In his new book, “The Rise of the Creative Class — Revisited,” Florida reiterates, updates and expands on his bottom line: “Cities need a people climate as much, and perhaps even more, than they need a business climate.” Paul Fanlund interviews Richard Florida asking him a series of Madison-centric questions.

November 2, 2012
Creative ClassCreative Class Communities

Columbus Underground : Richard Florida to Speak in Columbus about our Creative Economy

Florida speaks at COSI at the 2012 Innovate Columbus event presented by TechColumbus and the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University. Columbus Underground’s Walker had the opportunity to chat with Richard to learn a bit more about how his ideas apply specifically to Columbus, and to preview what we can expect during his presentation.

November 2, 2012
Creative Class CommunitiesEconomyTalent, Technology and Tolerance : Creating a shared economic prosperity for the Metroplex requires a four-T approach

For the past year, Richard Florida and his Creative Class Group have partnered with UT Arlington to examine the region’s assets and challenges. The effort engaged representatives from the School of Architecture, the College of Education and Health Professions, and the School of Urban and Public Affairs, with input from major chambers of commerce, local elected officials, Vision North Texas, the North Texas Commission, and civic groups.

September 27, 2012
Creative Class CommunitiesUrban

UT Alrington Magazine : Building an Urban Utopia

For the past year the Creative Class Group has partnered with UT Arlington to examine the region’s assets and challenges. The joint effort engaged representatives from the School of Architecture, the College of Education and Health Professions, and the School of Urban and Public Affairs, with input from major chambers of commerce, local elected officials, Vision North Texas, the North Texas Commission, and civic groups.

August 14, 2012
Creative Class Communities

The Durham News : Arts give monetary, creative boost to economy

Richard Florida published “The Rise of the Creative Class,” which set forth a cluster of indicators that predicted a flourishing urban community. Talent, Tolerance and Technology are Florida’s “three T’s,” qualities that Durham can claim in abundance. “To attract creative people, generate innovation and stimulate economic growth, a place must have all three.” (source: Catalytix, Inc., A Richard Florida Creativity Group)

April 13, 2009
Creative Class Communities

The Noosa Journal : Festival a money-spinner

The Great Noosa Camp Out was the first of five projects to come from the Noosa Creative Alliance, developed from Richard Florida’s Creative Communities Leadership Program model. About 30 “catalysts’’ were chosen at the start of the Alliance last year to work on projects to boost Noosa’s economic prosperity by attracting and supporting creative industries.

March 2, 2009
Creative Class Communities

Dayton Daily News : Kevin Riley: Young, creative types could be most powerful people in town

The DaytonCREATE initiative was launched last year with the help of economist and best-selling author Richard Florida. He urges communities that want to thrive economically to recruit and cultivate a “creative class” — artists, musicians, engineers and high-tech workers, all people who think and create for a living. A number of projects have grown out of the work of Dayton’s creative “catalysts.”

February 21, 2009
Creative Class Communities

fromtheeditr blog spot : Creating a Creative Roanoke Creatively

Roanoke CCLP to be launched at a two-day seminar for selected leaders where the Creative Class Group will work with the volunteers to build an understanding of the creative economy, the community’s 4Ts (Talent, Technology, Tolerance and Territory Assets), identify strategic economic goals and develop a framework of projects to engage the Roanoke community.

February 16, 2009
Creative Class CommunitiesEconomyRichard Florida ColumnsThe Great Reset News Articles

The Atlantic : How the Crash Will Reshape America

The crash of 2008 continues to reverberate loudly nationwide—destroying jobs, bankrupting businesses, and displacing homeowners. But already, it has damaged some places much more severely than others. On the other side of the crisis, America’s economic landscape will look very different than it does today. What fate will the coming years hold for New York, Charlotte, Detroit, Las Vegas? Will the suburbs be ineffably changed? Which cities and regions can come back strong? And which will never come back at all?

February 11, 2009