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Our mission is to create more innovative, inclusive and resilient cities

International publications

Liberty Magazine

In Japan, there are many academics that point to the lack of further economic frontiers, and how advanced economies are no longer able to grow the real economy. Japan’s Liberty Magazine interviews Richard Florida on his views of the econonomic impact of creativity, the “creative class”, and what kind of education is needed to harness the power of creativity.

February 26, 2015

The Brooklyn Quarterly : Improving Cities: A Digital Roundtable

To explore what paths cities should forge in their 21st-century endeavors, The Brooklyn Quarterly‘s staffers and editors polled prominent experts on urban renewal, whose backgrounds range from public office to journalism to academia. We asked them: what one thing can change cities for the better in one generation? Their responses may foretell the future for many American cities.

February 16, 2015
Events : FIU launches the FIU-Miami Creative City Initiative in partnership with the Creative Class Group

FIU and the Creative Class Group (CCG) founded by Richard Florida have joined forces to launch the FIU-Miami Creative City Initiative a project to harness creative and entrepreneurial forces that can help accelerate greater Miami’s transformation into a creative economy. The FIU-Miami Creative City Initiative will engage political business and cultural leaders faculty students alumni and the greater community in a dialogue on how creativity culture and design can drive a regional economy.

January 26, 2015
Richard Florida Columns

Forbes : How The Suburbs Highlight The Divide Between America’s Haves And Have-Nots

America’s great divide is not between poor cities and affluent suburbs; its great metropolitan areas are patchworks of concentrated advantage and concentrated disadvantage that stretch across both. Some of its suburbs are thriving; others are in a steep decline. In this new, fractured and divvied metropolitan geography, the traditional juxtaposition between “urban” and suburban” has lost much of its meaning.

December 17, 2014
Creative ClassCreativity

Creative Living : Chasing originality, powering growth

An ever-growing group of
Americans is proving vital to
our society. Its members are
educated, employed in a variety
of industries, and engaged in a
lifestyle that values individuality,
originality, and participation.
They’re steadfast in their
goals, resolute in their attitudes
and ideals, and just plain happy
with the paths they’ve decided
to follow-so much so that
they are reshaping commerce
and communities.They are the “Creative Class”.

December 17, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: LifeRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : Tech Giants’ Freeze-Your-Eggs Policy Is Not Enough

The world’s most innovative and creative organizations should be dreaming up new ways to establish a better work-life balance for all their employees. Instead of holding out a carrot on a stick for would-be mothers, they should be establishing best practices to keep them engaged, productive, and excited about work while they raise their families.

December 1, 2014
Profiles and InterviewsRana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: CityRana Florida Columns: LifeRana Florida ProfilesRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and NewsRichard Florida Columns

Horizons : Floridas on Miami, Florida

During your Caribbean Cruise, you may dream of living in paradise, of packing it all up and escaping to the islands. While that’s a great fantasy, the reality of trying to make a living makes it less attractive. But there’s always Miami. No, really, Miami. It’s a great place to live. Just ask Richard and Rana Florida, the power couple behind the Creative Class Group.

November 14, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : Great Ideas Are Worthless Without Strong Execution

Most people think a Great Idea — a breakthrough discovery, a killer app — will make them wealthy beyond their dreams. But successful entrepreneurs know that Great Ideas are a dime a dozen. True success lies in the execution. Given the choice between a great idea and a limited execution team or a mediocre idea and a brilliant execution team, most great business leaders would choose the latter.

November 7, 2014
CitiesOpinion Editorials

Comeback Cities

Cities are not declining — many are even coming back. The past decade has witnessed an unforeseen rebirth in urban America, according to the newly released figures from the 2000 Census.

October 30, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

Fast Company : The Case For On-Site Day Care

Working mothers (and fathers) are making significant contributions to the U.S. economy and the companies that employ them, but they are doing so without the support that they need. Flex-time and other pro-family policies are not simply a “nice” thing that businesses can do for their employees. They make business sense too, as they reduce employee turnover.

October 1, 2014
CitiesCreative ClassFiles / Working PapersMartin Prosperity Institute

The Divided City : And the Shape of the New Metropolis

A new report released today by Richard Florida and the Martin Prosperity Institute (MPI) at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, finds America’s cities and metro areas to be strikingly divided by class. The report, released to the City Lab Conference of Mayors and City Leaders in Los Angeles, maps the stark class divisions within 12 of America’s largest cities and metro areas. Americans, it finds, are not only separated by income and race, but by socio-economic class.

September 29, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Play

The Huffington Post : Creative Entertaining: Cozy Autumn Dinners

As summer slipped away this week, the air is crisp and the leaves are falling, it’s the perfect time of year to entertain at home with friends over some hearty and delicious comfort foods.
Entertaining doesn’t have to be timely, expensive or fancy. Here are 10 tips to keep it simple yet sophisticated this season. And watch Creative Entertaining: Dinner at the Farm for more suggestions.

September 25, 2014
CitiesRichard Florida ColumnsTalent, Technology and Tolerance

Knight Foundation Knight Blog : Richard Florida on driving success in cities

Knight Cities Challenge offers applicants a chance to share in $5 million by focusing on the question: “What’s your best idea to make cities more successful?” The contest will test the most innovative ideas in talent, opportunity and engagement in one or more of 26 Knight Foundation communities. Richard Florida writes about talent as a driver of city success.

September 23, 2014
Rana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

The Clever Life : Upgrade on the Go : Rana Florida Shares 8 Things That Make Her Smarter

Rana wants to upgrade you. As CEO of The Creative Class Group and author of the best-seller “Upgrade, Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary“, Rana Florida knows how to pump originality into the every day. She’s upgraded business development, marketing and global operations for the likes of BMW, Converse and Johnson & Johnson. Today she shares 8 things that make her smarter, from jet-setting iPhone apps to her favorite wireless gadgets.

September 16, 2014
Richard Florida Columns

LA Times : Want to deplete your tax base? Give ‘job creators’ what they want

Virtually all of the published research on the subject shows that most economic development incentives are a senseless waste of taxpayer money. My own analysis found no connection between incentive dollars spent per capita and such measures of economic success as wages, incomes, human capital levels or unemployment.It’s time to put an end to incentive madness once and for all.

September 16, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : How to Scale Your Business, Make a Profit and Do Good (VIDEO)

Starting with just $150,000 in venture capital and a $50,000 line of credit, Warby Parker has emerged as a fashion giant, selling over a million pairs of designer eyeglasses. More than that, it’s made the world a better place, donating an equal number of eyeglasses to needy people in the developing world while maintaining a net zero carbon footprint — and earning a substantial profit for its investors. I sat down with co-founders Neil Blumenthal and David Gilboa in their New York headquarters and talked to them about start-ups, risk-taking, collaboration, creativity, and entrepreneurialism.

September 15, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : 10 Steps to Getting a Raise

If you are afraid to ask for a raise, you are not alone. Most people, no matter how self-confident they are, feel quite anxious about this issue. But good work should be rewarded and most companies know that great talent is hard to come by and turn over costs are expensive. If you’re doing an outstanding job, your bosses will do what it takes to keep you. All that you need is a plan. Here’s one you can carry out in ten easy steps.

September 2, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : The Creative Class with Legendary Music Producer, Bob Ezrin

The Creative Class video series celebrates innovative creators across disciplines. This week features Bob Ezrin, one of the most commercially successful producers of all time. He’s worked with many of the world’s most important contemporary artists including: Pink Floyd, Alice Cooper, U2, Peter Gabriel, Deep Purple, KISS, Jay-Z, Julian Lennon, Nine Inch Nails, Taylor Swift, K’naan,, Elton John, Lou Reed, Rod Stewart and many others.

August 26, 2014

The Creativity index appeared to be one of the best metrics to understand sales performance at Cirque. And correlation are strong, therefor we will be now using this metric to anticipate sales performance and better forecast.

Alexandre AlleMarket Insight Advisor, Cirque du Soleil