In this newest installment of our Creative Spaces series, we have scoured the streets of cities in North America and the UK to bring you the most compelling graffiti projects we could find.
Our mission is to create more innovative, inclusive and resilient cities
Rana Florida conversations with successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders about how they manage their businesses, relationships, their careers and more. This week’s conversation is with media and sports pioneer Mark Cuban.
Creative Spaces: an exclusive look inside some of North America’s most remarkable homes with Rana Florida. The home of Kelvin Browne, VP at Royal Ontario Museum of Toronto is featured in this installment.
Richard Florida discusses why bringing a casino to Toronto is a bad idea. He says gambling is one of the least productive economic activities imaginable — removing money from one set of pockets and putting it in another, without producing anything concrete as part of the exchange.
Gretchin Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, interviews Richard Florida on his thoughts on happiness, himself.
Rana Florida conversations with successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders about how they manage their businesses, relationships, their careers and more. A conversation with CNN anchor and chief business correspondent Ali Velshi.
In this newest installment of our Creative Spaces series, we have assembled a slideshow of memorable parking garages from all over the world.
Interview with Richard Florida on how do cities develop resilient economic systems that don’t crash and leave them in the messes they have in the past? Is it possible to plan an urban economy that can easily adapt to constant change?
Rana Florida conversations with successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders about how they manage their businesses, relationships, their careers and more.A conversation with Mario Batali, chef/author/entrepreneur in here featured.
Richard Florida discusses how Toronto’s experience in basketball simply does not match up to the city’s growing size, wealth and stature. The outflow of basketball stars is no longer a metaphor for any larger talent drain, but an increasingly isolated and unique problem. Toronto’s sports franchises, need to start doing more of what it takes to compete on a global scale.
In this newest installment of our Creative Spaces series, we have assembled a slideshow of the world’s top 10 creative restaurant spaces, places that highlight creativity, art, design, sustainability, and the surrounding landscape.
Richard Florida speaks at Preview Las Vegas for the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, February 2012.
Richard Florida speaks at Preview Las Vegas event for the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce.
Richard Florida brings his three Ts to Preview 2012 in Las Vegas, February 9, 2012.
Richard Florida’s column in the Business Insider discussing our most important resource which is us – the creative potential that is in every human being.For perhaps the first time in human history, the further progress of our economy is inextricably tied up with the further development of our essential humanity.
Richard Florida on MSNBC’s The Dylan Ratigan show discussing the housing market’s impact on social mobility and the dismal numbers that hang over the state of Florida when it comes to unemployment, poverty and foreclosures.
In this newest installment of our Creative Spaces series, in honor of Super Bowl XLVI, we have assembled a slideshow to highlight stadiums from around the world — places that celebrate and highlight creativity and add real curb appeal to their neighborhoods.
Florida will be a featured speaker at the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce’s annual economic forum, Preview, on Feb. 9 at the Thomas and Mack Center.
In this newest installment of our Creative Spaces series, we have assembled a slideshow to highlight some of the brave new offices that celebrate and enable creativity, through design, artwork, and architecture. These spaces aren’t necessarily high style — but all of them promote transparency, flexibility and cater to the new ways of working.
In this newest installment of our Creative Spaces series, we have assembled a slideshow to celebrate and congratulate those pioneers, some of whom we’ve worked with at CCG, who are envisioning and actualizing new ways of living and working.
Richard Florida’s “The Flight of the Creative Class: The New Global Competition for Talent” is a thought-provoking book says Melih Arat.
Florida discusses global competition, which was once a contest between countries, and now belongs to cities. In today’s world cities are in competition in terms innovation and creativity.
Rana Florida’s series, Creative Spaces, which started out with homes, has expanded to cities with this edition featuring some of most inspired repurposed buildings we’ve seen, in Maastricht and elsewhere.
Rana Florida’s series, Creative Spaces, which started out with homes, has expanded to cities with this first edition highlighting some of Miami’s most creative and imaginative public art displays and spaces.
In this new millennium, the most influential class in society is something Richard Florida calls the “Creative Class” who boost the economy not through financial ability or skill alone, but rather through their ideas.
Richard Florida has spent the past decade talking about the virtues of the Creative Class and its ability to drive economies. The Great Reset, his fifth book on the Creative Class takes a somewhat contrarian view on the current thinking on the economic recession. The view is contrarian in that it’s more optimistic, and rooted in a belief that members of the Creative Class have the skills and talent to lead the global economy out of the current economic crisis.
Richard Florida’s interview with Monday Morning (Mondag Morgen – magazine in Scandinavia) on his book, The Great Reset, the need to find new innovative ways out of the economic crisis and the challenges that a small country like Denmark is facing right now with growing global competition?
Richard Florida’s “Who’s Your City?” is a cool book that takes a look at the impact of where you live on your professional and social opportunities. Florida conducted research to understand what places attract entrepreneurial minds, how they do it, and its affect on the regions these places inhabit. He also takes a look at what cities represent the best opportunities to find a mate, start a family, be an empty nester, and retire.
Human progress, to a large degree, has depended on the continual expansion of social networks, which enable faster
sharing and shaping of ideas. And humanity’s greatest social innovation remains the city. As our cities grow larger, the synapses that connect them—people with exceptional social skills—are becoming ever more essential to economic growth.
Richard and Rana Florida host an event to promote and celebrate green space and sustainable living with Go Wild at the Evergreen Brick Works event in Toronto.
Richard and Rana Florida host an event to promote and celebrate green space and sustainable living with Go Wild at the Evergreen Brick Works event in Toronto.
Creative Spaces: an exclusive look inside some of North America’s most remarkable homes with Rana Florida. An award winning architect and arts philanthropist transform a Victorian gem, which formerly housed both a missionary society and a law firm, into a light-filled minimalist showpiece with historical detail. This home is featured as the last in this 8 feature series.
Marketplace Money looks deep into the mixed signals Americans get on saving (more) and spending (more). It’s a conundrum. Richard Florida thinks we’re in the process of solving the conundrum by changing the way we live.
The deepening social and economic divisions that are all too apparent in London are becoming evident in our own cities as well. Richard Florida argues that there is a real danger that riots like London’s will become a feature, not a mere bug, of global cities.
Richard Florida says that many of the nation’s urban areas are booming with new restaurants, parks and condos. All these areas are great to visit, he says, offering a slice of local urban life. He shares up-and-coming neighborhoods with Larry Bleiberg for USA TODAY.
London’s riots prompted commentators on the right to blame hooliganism, while those on the left cited frustrations with the UK’s faltering economy and fiscal austerity. But the causes run deeper and are linked fundamentally to the changing structure of the world’s economy. They are problems many of our global cities will soon face.
US crime levels have fallen to their lowest reported levels in nearly half a century despite major unemployment and the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Even more remarkably, the drop was steepest in America’s big cities – which are still popularly believed to be cauldrons of criminality. The question is: why?
Creative Spaces: an exclusive look inside some of North America’s most remarkable homes with Rana Florida. This corporate director and an internationally renowned entrepreneur, consultant and author, take refuge from Toronto’s cold winters in their Miami Beach condo which is featured as the seventh in this 8 feature series.
Richard Florida’s column in The New York Times on the widening gap between the D.C. economy, with its robust housing and job markets, and the rest of America. What’s the key?
Smaller cities and towns are remaking themselves as hubs for the knowledge economy.Richard Florida points out some surprising destinations from the data of the Martin Prosperity Institute.
National Geographic Traveler interview with Richard Florida. Florida says society’s success is inextricably bound to the success of our great cities. And yet, the growing concentration of
wealth and human capital in urban areas is leading to greater inequality, with a person’s prosperity determined
increasingly by location. Florida explores social and economic trends in his numerous books.
Creative Spaces: an exclusive look inside some of North America’s most remarkable homes with Rana Florida. The home of a local Toronto couple is featured as the sixth in this 8 feature series.
This article written by Richard Florida,
Charlotta Mellander and Kevin Stolarick examines the effects of this intra‐metropolitan distribution on economic
performance. The findings indicate that this distribution matters significantly to US regional performance. Suburban human capital matters more than center city human capital.
Creative Spaces: an exclusive look inside some of North America’s most remarkable homes with Rana Florida. The home of Michael Budman and Diane Bald in Toronto is featured as the fifth in this 8 feature series.
The Great Reset named as finalist of the National Business Book Award. The finalists for this year’s National Business Book Awards were announced by co-sponsors PwC and BMO Financial Group. The award is presented to the author of an outstanding Canadian business-related book published in 2010.
Creative Spaces: an exclusive look inside some of North America’s most remarkable homes with Rana Florida. The home of Gabe Gonda and Victoria Webster in Toronto is featured as the fourth in this 8 feature series.
”The Creativity index appeared to be one of the best metrics to understand sales performance at Cirque. And correlation are strong, therefor we will be now using this metric to anticipate sales performance and better forecast.
Alexandre AlleMarket Insight Advisor, Cirque du Soleil