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Files / Working Papers

The Globalization of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Talent: The Changing Context of Venture Capital Investment

In this paper Richard Florida, Robert Wuebker and Zoltan Acs examine recent patterns of venture capital investment which suggest that the venture capital industry is in the early stages of a profound transformation catalyzed in
part by the globalization of igh-impact entrepreneurship. This change in the allocation of early-stage venture investment has important implications for the financing of young firms, the speed of innovation and technological
transformation, and the locus of long-term economic growth.

January 7, 2011
International publications

Folha de Sao Paulo del

Brazil’s largest newspaper, Folha de Sao Paulo interviews Richard Florida discussing the way forward for
three major countries where his ideas on creativity are more important than ever – Brazil, the US and the UK.

January 5, 2011
The Great Reset Features and Reviews

Ottawa Citizen : Top business books of 2010

Richard Florida’s, The Great Reset, makes the top business books list of 2010. Florida’s flood of data forms a nice mosaic of snapshots as he explains how the Industrial Revolution and the Great Depression morphed the largely rural, agrarian economy and population of the United States into an urban manufacturing powerhouse.

January 3, 2011
Creative Class

Examiner : The Creative Class

Interesting perspective for Miami’s economic future, from bestselling author and economic development expert Richard Florida, who finds market trends reveal a rising of the creative class. While Florida acknowledges the difficulty of our current economy, he also depicts the composition for the possibilities.

November 29, 2010

The Creativity index appeared to be one of the best metrics to understand sales performance at Cirque. And correlation are strong, therefor we will be now using this metric to anticipate sales performance and better forecast.

Alexandre AlleMarket Insight Advisor, Cirque du Soleil