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Our mission is to create more innovative, inclusive and resilient cities

CanadaEconomyThe Great Reset News Articles

National Post : Richard Florida goes to city hall, quotes Karl Marx

Toronto’s economic development committee invited Prof. Florida, an American academic and author now at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, to enlighten on the way out of the current global financial crisis. Richard Florida went to Toronto city hall to tell councillors that improving the lot of service-sector workers is key to the city’s prosperity.

May 19, 2009
Who's Your City News Articles

Metro News : Ottawa: This ain’t Flint and we ain’t bad

Richard Florida references Ottawa is a forward-looking mecca for what he calls the “Creative Class” the highly skilled, highly mobile knowledge workers he sees as key to economic productivity now and in the future.

In the Canadian edition of Who’s Your City?, Florida puts diverse, tolerant Ottawa well ahead in the global competition for such brainpower

May 15, 2009
International publications

Bilgi Çagi Magazine

Richard Florida’s opinions on innovation and tolerance in Turkey’s monthly magazine of Turkish Informatics Foundation. The mission of the magazine is leading Turkish companies to grow with innovation.

May 11, 2009
Creative ClassEvents

Naples News : Guest commentary: ‘Creative class’ will be key to future economic growth

One of the nation’s foremost experts in economy building says that a community seeking a strong and healthy commerce must tap into the creativity of all its members. Author and adviser Richard Florida will bring his message to Naples on May 20, 2009 when he addresses community and business leaders at a program entitled “It Pays to Be Creative,” part of the ongoing Project Innovation sponsored by the Economic Development Council of Collier County.

May 8, 2009
Creative ClassEvents

Gulf News : A tale of many cities

The world needs to grow in a way that it can meet the needs of today while preserving the resources for tomorrow. Global City 2009 held in Abu Dhabi recently highlighted some seminal issues confronting urban development – and the way cities must tackle them.

May 4, 2009

The Record : Region suffers from ‘brain drain’

A study from the University of Toronto’s Martin Prosperity Institute says the Kitchener area underperforms against similarly situated cities in North America in educational attainment and in keeping graduates of its college and universities from leaving the area after graduation.

April 27, 2009
Who's Your City News Articles

The Australian : To live and die in Perth

In his new book Who’s Your City?, Florida makes the case that deciding where to live is possibly the most crucial life decision a person can make, right up there with what to do for a living, who not to marry, and whether to have kids or just keep renting. Older generations accepted their geographic place as a given.

April 15, 2009

Shawangunk Journal : If New York Wins . . .

Countering the prevalent gloom, The Atlantic’s provocative March 2009 front cover asks “How The Crash Will Reshape America,” with a counter-intuitive sub-title reading “The Sunbelt Fades, New York Wins.”

April 13, 2009
Who's Your City News Articles

The Vancouver Sun : We must never forget Canada is building on tremendous strengths

In the just-released Canadian edition of his best-selling guide to cities, Who’s Your City? academic Richard Florida says Canada’s urban municipalities need to stop being so humble, because they already have many of the qualities American cities are trying to achieve. They have a strong middle class, relatively safe streets, dense urban footprints, a strong social safety net and well-educated workers.

April 13, 2009
Creative Class Communities

The Durham News : Arts give monetary, creative boost to economy

Richard Florida published “The Rise of the Creative Class,” which set forth a cluster of indicators that predicted a flourishing urban community. Talent, Tolerance and Technology are Florida’s “three T’s,” qualities that Durham can claim in abundance. “To attract creative people, generate innovation and stimulate economic growth, a place must have all three.” (source: Catalytix, Inc., A Richard Florida Creativity Group)

April 13, 2009

WV Gazette : Dreams to own home die hard

The prediction of death to the American dream of owning a home is replaced by a new landscape of technological and scientific prosperity as seen by writer Richard Florida in his article “How the crash will reshape America”.

April 9, 2009

The Creativity index appeared to be one of the best metrics to understand sales performance at Cirque. And correlation are strong, therefor we will be now using this metric to anticipate sales performance and better forecast.

Alexandre AlleMarket Insight Advisor, Cirque du Soleil