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Richard Florida Columns

The Globe and Mail : Where a recession will hurt the most

Richard Florida and James Milay explore the the effects if a recession hits Canada suggesting that the continuing shift in Canada’s economy from traditional blue-collar, working-class jobs to creative and service jobs will dampen the effects of job losses over all, but those in the working class will feel the pain much more.

November 24, 2008
Who's Your City News Articles

Barrie Advance : Each person should find their dream in Barrie, Florida says

A municipality can spark the creativity of its community, as well as attract the entrepreneurial “creative class,” by investing in projects that offer a sense of style, place and opportunity for self-expression, Dr. Richard Florida told municipal and community leaders at an event hosted by the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce, the University Partnership Centre at Georgian College, Downtown Barrie and the city.

October 29, 2008
Flight Articles

Publisher’s Weekly : The Flight of the Creative Class: The New Global Competition for Talent: Richard Florida

Following up on The Rise of the Creative Class (2002), Florida argues that if America continues to make it harder for some of the world’s most talented students and workers to come here, they’ll go to other countries eager to tap into their creative capabilities—as will American citizens fed up with what they view as an increasingly repressive environment.

October 22, 2008
Who's Your City News Articles

Telegraph Journal : The case for strong cities

Richard Florida is an expert on the role that cities play in economic growth. In his best-selling books The Rise of the Creative Class, The Flight of the Creative Class and Who’s Your City?, he argues that the strength of the 21st century economy lies in tapping the power of cities as places where creative people live and work.

October 2, 2008
Who's Your City News Articles

BBC Radio : Global News

In this edition of Global Business Peter Day hears from Professor Richard Florida of the Rotman School of Management in Toronto, Canada, where he’s the Academic Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute.

September 16, 2008
Flight Articles

Arena Magazine : On Creative Mythmaking

In recent years, Florida has carved a niche for himself raising the class consciousness of graphic designers, software engineers, research scientists, business entrepreneurs, writers and academics and assorted other people involved in intellectual forms of work.

September 8, 2008
Creative ClassRegionsRichard Florida Columns

The Ronanoke Times : Trying to attract the ‘creative class’

A popular economic development guru believes that a region’s tolerance and diversity, its quality of life and its support for what he describes as the “creative class” pave the way for economic and population growth. According to Richard Florida: “The distinguishing characteristic of the creative class is that its members engage in work whose function is to ‘create meaningful new forms.’ “

July 14, 2008
Richard Florida Columns

The days of urban sprawl are over …

… but not for the reasons you think. One of the few things increasing as fast as the price of oil lately has been the amount of commentary linking higher energy costs to the death of suburbia. Clearly, higher gas prices have affected where people want – or can afford – to live. Just as the demand for SUVs plummets and consumers have finally begun to see the point of hybrids, people are turning away from sprawling exurbs toward urban neighbourhoods and inner suburbs.

July 12, 2008
Who's Your City News Articles

Poder 360 : The Urbanist

Cities inevitably, consistently, and dispiritingly punch below their weight politically. City-dwellers, as such, have almost no say in national politics, and invariably end up subsidizing the increasingly-anachronistic lifestyles of their rural compatriots.

June 25, 2008
Who's Your City Features and Reviews

Sprout : Who’s Your City: How the Creative Economy is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life

Richard Florida took on Thomas Friedman and challenged his notion that the world is flat – suggesting instead that it is “spiky” by pointing out that the real economic activity happens within cities, not countries and that it DOES matter where you live even though technology has seemingly made it easier to do business anywhere.

June 3, 2008
International publications

Quinta-feira 17 Abril 2008 (Portugal) : «O Guru das Cidades Criativas»

O guru do conceito das cidades criativas. As ideias, a criatividade, a cultura são essenciais para o desenvolvimento
económico, diz o americano Richard Florida, que apresenta hoje, na
Fundação Gulbenkian, a teoria dos três T (tecnologia, talento e tolerância)
como chave do desenvolvimento económico das regiões. A Lisboa deixa
um conselho: explorar aquilo que a distingue.

May 22, 2008
International publications

Lusa (Portugal) : ‘Mentalidade antiquada’ prejudica Portugal, diz economista

Richard Florida, criador da economia criativa, afirma que barreiras à tolerância e à liberdade de expressão
individual prejudicam o país para acolher atividades econômicas em larga escala. Lisboa, 17 abr (Lusa) – O criador da economia criativa, Richard Florida, disse nesta quinta-feira que a
“mentalidade antiquada” tem sido um entrave para o desenvolvimento do seu modelo em Portugal. O economista norte-americano apontou barreiras à tolerância e à liberdade de expressão individual como principais causadores dessa “mentalidade” no país.

May 22, 2008
International publications

Conferencia organizada pela CCDR-LVT e Ordem dos Economistas (Portugal) : news compilations

Revista de Imprensa 18-04-2008

1 – Jornal de Negócios, 18-04-2008, “Portugal é formado por dois países: Portugal e Lisboa”. 2 – Primeira Pá, 17-04-2008, “Guru” da economia criativa diz que Portugal tem sido travado por uma “mentalidade antiquada”. 3 – RTP, 17-04-2008, “Guru” da economia criativa diz que Portugal tem sido travado por uma “mentalidade antiquada”. 4 –, 17-04-2008, ´Guru´ da economia criativa diz que Portugal tem sido travado por «mentalidade antiquada»

May 22, 2008
International publications

Elemento (Spain) : Who’s Your City?

El nuevo libro de Florida … inicia citando a Aristóteles “Si todo lo que existe tiene un lugar, entonces también el lugar tendrá un lugar y así hasta el infinito”. Florida nos demuestra una vez más que el mundo no es tan plano como pensábamos.

May 22, 2008
Who's Your City Features and Reviews

LA Times : Whos Your City

“If everything that exists has a place, place too will have a place, and so on ad infinitum.” — Aristotle. It’s not very often that the author of a book discussing economics and sociology for a general readership starts with a quote by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. But when the writer is the thought-provoking intellectual Richard Florida — who claims in his new book, “Who’s Your City?,” that the selection of where to live ranks as life’s most important decision — it’s easier to see why he found Aristotle’s quote both appropriate and prescient.

April 13, 2008
Richard Florida ColumnsWho's Your City News Articles

Boston Sunday Globe : A Singles Map of The United States of America

WHICH OF THESE two decisions do you think has a bigger impact on someone’s life: finding the right job, or finding the right significant other? No one’s going to argue with the notion that where you live affects your employment prospects. But the place you call home has a lot to do with your chances of finding the right partner as well. Having an enticing “mating market” matters as much or more than a vibrant labor market.

April 9, 2008
Who's Your City Creative Class Communities

Dayton Daily News : Dayton’s young, restless get creative

If Dayton wanted to impress somebody, it could do worse than Richard Florida.

Recently, he gave an interview in which he said:
“I was just in Cincinnati and in Dayton, another city I love. They’re historical centers of innovation … from steel innovation to aluminum innovation, to electronics, to the Wright brothers, to the car. This is one of the greatest innovative and entrepreneurial centers in the world.

“They have probably one of the greatest clusters of universities in the history of the planet. They’re producing phenomenal talent, but, unfortunately, that talent leaves. …

April 9, 2008
RegionsWho's Your City News Articles

Dayton Daily News : Creative Class guru loves Dayton

Richard Florida, author of “The Rise of the Creative Class,” gave an interview recently in which he said great things about Dayton. Florida’s Toronto-based consulting group is working with the region’s creative-class types to imagine, organize and realize initiatives that excite especially young and talented people, but that also make a community a better place for everybody.

March 27, 2008
AustraliaCreative ClassWho's Your City Creative Class Communities

Business Matters Magazine: Attracting Creative Talent to Noosa

Richard Florida believes creative people come in all colours and that they are the key to the new economy. If he didn’t already have a catchy name, Richard Florida could easily be dubbed Mr. T. His celebrated theory of economic prosperity is based on Four T’s. And it was his T for Tolerance that landed the personable American professor in Capital T Trouble when he flew into Noosa last November and media coverage played the gay card.

March 11, 2008
Creative ClassEconomyRegionsWho's Your City Features and Reviews

Harvard Business Review : Forethought – A survey of ideas, trends, people and practices on the business horizon: Megaregions: the importance of place

Nations have long been considered the fundamental economic units of the world, but that distinction no longer holds true. Today, the natural units -and engines- of the global economy are megaregions, cities and suburbs in powerful conurbations, at times spanning national borders, forming vast swaths of trade, transport, innovation and talent.

February 20, 2008
Richard Florida Columns

The Globe and Mail : Time to break the town-and-gown barrier

The old model of a university pumping out research results and educated students, or even commercial innovations and start-ups, are no longer sufficient. Business and political leadership have taken technology seriously; now, they must do the same with talent and tolerance. The places that don’t will find that the discoveries and talent they produce will continue to migrate away.

February 9, 2008

Design for a High Performance Manufacturing Infrastructure

In January 1992, Carnegie Mellon University undertook a project, in collaboration with the Technology Development and Education Corporation, called “Design for High Performance Manufacturing Infrastructure”. The objective of the project was to analyze and invigorate the supplier base and manufacturing infrastructure of Southwestern Pennsylvania…

January 10, 2008

Venture Capital and Industrial Competitiveness

What is the role of venture capital in industrial competitiveness? On the one hand, venture capital has played a crucial role in the emergence of innovative entrepreneurial enterprises and high-technology regions such as Silicon Valley and Boston’s Route 128 corridor. On the other hand, a number of commentators have suggested that venture capital contributes to a pattern of chronic entrepreneurship and the breakthrough illusion of U.S. high technology which have a negative implications for U.S. technological and industrial competitiveness.

January 10, 2008

The World & I – America’s Breakthrough Illusion

Wherever one looks -in semiconductors, computers or biotechnology- the story is the same: The United States achieves a commanding lead in basic research, develops the start-up companies that pioneer cutting edge technologies, and then somehow fails to follow trough, leaving nations like Japan to mass-produce the products that the world wants.

January 10, 2008

Japanese Direct Investment

The research upon which this chapter is based was undertaken in three parts. The first part involved the compilation of a comprehensive database of transplant assemblers and suppliers in the US…

January 10, 2008

High-technology restructuring in the USA and Japan

In this paper, the comparative responses of the USA and Japan to the rise of the new high-technology industries are examined. The United States pattern mainly revolves around the rise of high-technology districts like Silicon Valley and Route 128 which comprise dense networks of small entrepreneurial firms and other related institutions.

January 10, 2008

The Future of Industrialization

Capitalism is undergoing an epochal transformation from a mas-production system where the principal source of value was physical labour to a new era of innovation-mediated production where the principal component of value creation, productivity and economic growth is knowledge and intellectual capabilities.

January 10, 2008