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Our mission is to create more innovative, inclusive and resilient cities

Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: LifeRana Florida Columns: Play

The Huffington Post : Buy Experiences, Not Stuff This Holiday Season

The frenzy of the shopping season kicks off this week, with up to 140 million people shopping over the Thanksgiving weekend from Thursday through Sunday, according to Forbes.No matter how much or how little you’re planning to spend this year, I’m urging you to buy experiences rather than things. As I wrote in my book, Upgrade, most of us have more possessions than we need or want anyway.

November 25, 2013
CanadaRichard Florida Columns

The Globe and Mail : Toronto’s problem has grown beyond its mayor

Rob Ford will soon be gone. But even more important than who replaces him will be how soon and how thoroughly we can remake the office of the mayor. Canada’s strictly regulated banks have shown the world that government has a key role to play in the new economy. With a new city charter and a growth model for the 21st century, Toronto can set a new standard for municipal governance.

November 13, 2013

Urban Toronto : Richard Florida looks for Intelligent Action to Address Challenges

Urban Toronto highlights talk by Richard Florida, given before an audience of city builders and luminaries in Desautels Hall at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. The lecture, one of a series presented by the School of Public Policy & Governance in partnership with the Martin Prosperity Institute was entitled Big City, Big Ideas: Why Creativity is the New Economy.

November 13, 2013
Rana Florida ProfilesRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

She Knows Parenting : Make room for a new kind of working mom

Interview with Rana Florida. In her new book Upgrade, she discusses why the work force needs to change to accommodate accomplished and determined mothers who merely need flexibility and understanding in order to live the kind of life they want while raising a family and still working. Too much to ask? Impossible to have it all? Not necessarily.

November 6, 2013
EducationEmploymentRichard Florida Columns

Washington Monthly : The Living-in-the-Basement Generation

According to new research by the Social Science Research Council’s Measure of America project, for our nation’s 5.8 million “disconnected youth”—the one in seven Americans between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four who are neither working nor enrolled in school. This cohort, whose numbers were stable for a decade, surged by 800,000 after the Great Recession and includes not only children from poor and minority families but significant numbers of white, middle-class youth as well.

October 29, 2013
Rana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

Brain Sex Blog : Upgrade

It’s time for an upgrade. In Rana Florida’s latest book, she outlines what she considers to be the new imperative- integration of business and personal life strategies to improve the quality of our lives. In a recent interview with Rana, she shared her motivation for writing this book and the inspiration and insights drawn from the leaders she interviewed.

October 16, 2013
Profiles and Interviews

Detroiter Magazine : Turning a Corner

Last February, best-selling author and renowned “urbanist” Dr. Richard Florida took the stage at the 2013 Detroit Policy Conference, providing his analysis of Detroit’s continued comeback at MotorCity Casino Hotel. At the event, Florida stressed the importance of tackling urban development with an entrepreneurial spirit and remarked on how impressive the amount of progress made in Detroit has been.

About five months after his keynote speech, Detroit filed for bankruptcy, kicking off a nationwide discussion about the state of the city. The Detroiter caught up with Florida to discuss how bankruptcy has impacted his views of the Motor City.

October 3, 2013
Rana Florida Columns: WorkRana Florida ProfilesRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

The Globe and Mail : Rana Florida’s five tips for success: ‘Failure is just the beginning’

The CEO of the Creative Class Group consulting firm has spent the past few years soliciting advice from visionaries across the board – PhDs and pop stars, CEOs and celebrity chefs. The accumulated wisdom appears in her new self-help book Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Here, Rana Florida shares some of her favourite strategies for success.

October 1, 2013
Rana Florida Columns: WorkRana Florida ProfilesRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

Artefact : Rana Florida: Creativity, Innovation, and the Future of Work

Rana Florida is the CEO of the Creative Class Group, an advisory firm that works with premier organizations on building economic competitiveness, cultural and technological innovation. Florida is also one of the leading thinkers on trends that are shaping the future of work and recently published Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary, in which she explores what makes innovative thinkers, creative leaders and CEOs successful.

October 1, 2013
Rana Florida ProfilesRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

Business News Daily : Redefining Career Success Starts With Passion

Rana Florida — CEO of Creative Class Group and author of the Huffington Post column “Your Startup Life” — believes that there’s a more meaningful way to define success, both at work and in every other aspect of life. True success, as she sees it, is all about balancing productivity with passion and having a good time while you’re at it.

September 26, 2013
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: WorkRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

The Huffington Post : How to Market Your Book

Most people believe that writing is the hardest part; once their book is published, they think, it will fly off the shelves. The reality is that they will be lucky if their book even gets any shelf life. The most important lesson that an author can learn is that the work doesn’t stop after you’ve turned in the manuscript. That’s when the hardest work begins. If you want your book to be bought and read by the widest possible audience, you have to start marketing it long before its publication date. Here are some simple tips on marketing that every author should take to heart.

September 23, 2013
Rana Florida ProfilesRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

Fashion : Inside the Upgrade launch party: 20 photos of Toronto’s social set toasting Rana Florida on her latest book

Is there anything more enticing than a promise to make your regular old life extraordinary? It was this premise that inspired Rana Florida to write her latest book, and the reason why a very swishy crowd gathered to celebrate the launch of Upgrade on Tuesday night. Held at the home of Suzanne and Mark Cohon, the party attracted a mix of Toronto’s most stylish and most social. It was certainly a who’s who of the city’s creative set—a group more likely to be featured as an Upgrade case study than those in need of the book’s advice.

September 20, 2013
CitiesInternational publicationsRegionsTechonology

BBC : On track to mega-status

Richard Florida believes central Scotland has what it takes to be one of the world’s 40 or so mega-regions. It’s got the population density, income generation, skills, universities and creativity. What it also needs is a modern, fast rail network. The 20th century city sprawled with the motorcar, so further expansion will require high-speed trains.

September 19, 2013
CitiesCreativityRichard Florida Columns

The New York Times : Cities Are the Fonts of Creativity

Creativity is at once our most precious resource and our most inexhaustible one. As anyone who has ever spent any time with children knows, every single human being is born creative; every human being is innately endowed with the ability to combine and recombine data, perceptions, materials and ideas, and devise new ways of thinking and doing. Cities are the true fonts of creativity.

September 17, 2013

The Creativity index appeared to be one of the best metrics to understand sales performance at Cirque. And correlation are strong, therefor we will be now using this metric to anticipate sales performance and better forecast.

Alexandre AlleMarket Insight Advisor, Cirque du Soleil