Article Library

Our mission is to create more innovative, inclusive and resilient cities

International publications

Quinta-feira 17 Abril 2008 (Portugal) : «O Guru das Cidades Criativas»

O guru do conceito das cidades criativas. As ideias, a criatividade, a cultura são essenciais para o desenvolvimento
económico, diz o americano Richard Florida, que apresenta hoje, na
Fundação Gulbenkian, a teoria dos três T (tecnologia, talento e tolerância)
como chave do desenvolvimento económico das regiões. A Lisboa deixa
um conselho: explorar aquilo que a distingue.

May 22, 2008
International publications

Lusa (Portugal) : ‘Mentalidade antiquada’ prejudica Portugal, diz economista

Richard Florida, criador da economia criativa, afirma que barreiras à tolerância e à liberdade de expressão
individual prejudicam o país para acolher atividades econômicas em larga escala. Lisboa, 17 abr (Lusa) – O criador da economia criativa, Richard Florida, disse nesta quinta-feira que a
“mentalidade antiquada” tem sido um entrave para o desenvolvimento do seu modelo em Portugal. O economista norte-americano apontou barreiras à tolerância e à liberdade de expressão individual como principais causadores dessa “mentalidade” no país.

May 22, 2008
International publications

Conferencia organizada pela CCDR-LVT e Ordem dos Economistas (Portugal) : news compilations

Revista de Imprensa 18-04-2008

1 – Jornal de Negócios, 18-04-2008, “Portugal é formado por dois países: Portugal e Lisboa”. 2 – Primeira Pá, 17-04-2008, “Guru” da economia criativa diz que Portugal tem sido travado por uma “mentalidade antiquada”. 3 – RTP, 17-04-2008, “Guru” da economia criativa diz que Portugal tem sido travado por uma “mentalidade antiquada”. 4 –, 17-04-2008, ´Guru´ da economia criativa diz que Portugal tem sido travado por «mentalidade antiquada»

May 22, 2008
International publications

Elemento (Spain) : Who’s Your City?

El nuevo libro de Florida … inicia citando a Aristóteles “Si todo lo que existe tiene un lugar, entonces también el lugar tendrá un lugar y así hasta el infinito”. Florida nos demuestra una vez más que el mundo no es tan plano como pensábamos.

May 22, 2008
Who's Your City Features and Reviews

LA Times : Whos Your City

“If everything that exists has a place, place too will have a place, and so on ad infinitum.” — Aristotle. It’s not very often that the author of a book discussing economics and sociology for a general readership starts with a quote by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. But when the writer is the thought-provoking intellectual Richard Florida — who claims in his new book, “Who’s Your City?,” that the selection of where to live ranks as life’s most important decision — it’s easier to see why he found Aristotle’s quote both appropriate and prescient.

April 13, 2008
Richard Florida ColumnsWho's Your City News Articles

Boston Sunday Globe : A Singles Map of The United States of America

WHICH OF THESE two decisions do you think has a bigger impact on someone’s life: finding the right job, or finding the right significant other? No one’s going to argue with the notion that where you live affects your employment prospects. But the place you call home has a lot to do with your chances of finding the right partner as well. Having an enticing “mating market” matters as much or more than a vibrant labor market.

April 9, 2008
Who's Your City Creative Class Communities

Dayton Daily News : Dayton’s young, restless get creative

If Dayton wanted to impress somebody, it could do worse than Richard Florida.

Recently, he gave an interview in which he said:
“I was just in Cincinnati and in Dayton, another city I love. They’re historical centers of innovation … from steel innovation to aluminum innovation, to electronics, to the Wright brothers, to the car. This is one of the greatest innovative and entrepreneurial centers in the world.

“They have probably one of the greatest clusters of universities in the history of the planet. They’re producing phenomenal talent, but, unfortunately, that talent leaves. …

April 9, 2008

The Creativity index appeared to be one of the best metrics to understand sales performance at Cirque. And correlation are strong, therefor we will be now using this metric to anticipate sales performance and better forecast.

Alexandre AlleMarket Insight Advisor, Cirque du Soleil