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Harvard Business Review : Forethought – A survey of ideas, trends, people and practices on the business horizon: Megaregions: the importance of place

Nations have long been considered the fundamental economic units of the world, but that distinction no longer holds true. Today, the natural units -and engines- of the global economy are megaregions, cities and suburbs in powerful conurbations, at times spanning national borders, forming vast swaths of trade, transport, innovation and talent.

February 20, 2008
Richard Florida Columns

The Globe and Mail : Time to break the town-and-gown barrier

The old model of a university pumping out research results and educated students, or even commercial innovations and start-ups, are no longer sufficient. Business and political leadership have taken technology seriously; now, they must do the same with talent and tolerance. The places that don’t will find that the discoveries and talent they produce will continue to migrate away.

February 9, 2008

Design for a High Performance Manufacturing Infrastructure

In January 1992, Carnegie Mellon University undertook a project, in collaboration with the Technology Development and Education Corporation, called “Design for High Performance Manufacturing Infrastructure”. The objective of the project was to analyze and invigorate the supplier base and manufacturing infrastructure of Southwestern Pennsylvania…

January 10, 2008

Venture Capital and Industrial Competitiveness

What is the role of venture capital in industrial competitiveness? On the one hand, venture capital has played a crucial role in the emergence of innovative entrepreneurial enterprises and high-technology regions such as Silicon Valley and Boston’s Route 128 corridor. On the other hand, a number of commentators have suggested that venture capital contributes to a pattern of chronic entrepreneurship and the breakthrough illusion of U.S. high technology which have a negative implications for U.S. technological and industrial competitiveness.

January 10, 2008

The World & I – America’s Breakthrough Illusion

Wherever one looks -in semiconductors, computers or biotechnology- the story is the same: The United States achieves a commanding lead in basic research, develops the start-up companies that pioneer cutting edge technologies, and then somehow fails to follow trough, leaving nations like Japan to mass-produce the products that the world wants.

January 10, 2008

Japanese Direct Investment

The research upon which this chapter is based was undertaken in three parts. The first part involved the compilation of a comprehensive database of transplant assemblers and suppliers in the US…

January 10, 2008

High-technology restructuring in the USA and Japan

In this paper, the comparative responses of the USA and Japan to the rise of the new high-technology industries are examined. The United States pattern mainly revolves around the rise of high-technology districts like Silicon Valley and Route 128 which comprise dense networks of small entrepreneurial firms and other related institutions.

January 10, 2008

The Future of Industrialization

Capitalism is undergoing an epochal transformation from a mas-production system where the principal source of value was physical labour to a new era of innovation-mediated production where the principal component of value creation, productivity and economic growth is knowledge and intellectual capabilities.

January 10, 2008

The Creativity index appeared to be one of the best metrics to understand sales performance at Cirque. And correlation are strong, therefor we will be now using this metric to anticipate sales performance and better forecast.

Alexandre AlleMarket Insight Advisor, Cirque du Soleil